by Bernhard Jacobs, Landmark Studios
Although the Park finds itself at the end of winter the landscape which greets visitors as they turn off the main road and into the Park entrance is stunning. The succulent beds filled with plants that come in all sorts of interesting forms, colours and textures are nothing short of inspiring.
The Gate House beds have now been upgraded with the introduction of roses, hydrangeas and abelia that will be neatly hedged in future. These beds will mature over the next two years and add much needed colour to the security entrance of the park.
The next envisaged upgrades will be the three inner traffic circle quadrants. These will each obtain their own identity, namely roses, plumbago and buddlejas, salvias and succulents, respectively. If all goes according to plan, these quadrants will be a work in progress by the spring/summer edition of this magazine.
Bernhard Jacobs
Landmark Studios
Cell: 084 603 4166