by Bernhard Jacobs, Landmark Studios
With an above average of rainfall received over the past summer season the park has a wonderful winter appearance due to the above average moisture context in the soil.
The entrance beds from the main road have a colourful display at this time of the year due to the change in foliage colour. Additionally most of the succulent plants have bursti into colour.

The traffic island also creates a colourful entrance to the park. Certain thinning out of overgrown beds will take place during the approaching summer season.

The sidewalks planted with succulents have an attractive appearance and are a huge improvement when compared
to the previous lawn areas with their unattractive winter appearance.

The island located in the dam at Lotus
Park will receive attention during the
course of the coming winter with trees
to be crown-lifted and self-seeded
trees removed from the island. This will
expose the fauna that already inhabits
this island.
The forestation of stressing sections of lawn in Daimler Park, as well as other parks, has now entered the first phase. These unattractive lawn areas will be converted to beds, mainly planted with Agapanthus and Dietes.