With the wonderful rainfall arriving a bit late, the park will soon explode into its full beauty…
Landscaping in the park this summer will focus on the boomgate/gatehouse entrance area as well as the entrances to two of our four communal parks – Lagonda and Lotus – both situated on the main boulevard.
The gatehouse entrance beds have been upgraded with and extension of the rose beds and the introduction of hydrangeas in the two undercover shade beds. These beds have established well and will, over the years, make a ‘blooming’ statement. The entrance beds which are currently overgrown with Agapanthus are in the process of being composted and replanted. This upgrade will significantly improve first impressions of Kyalami Park.
The entrances to both Lotus and Lagonda parks are anything but awe inspiring and certainly do not make a statement of any description. Mostly overgrown, they are simply not user friendly. We envisage opening up the entrances to these parks by introducing kikuyu lawn. This will make these public spaces far more inviting and encourage the use of them.
Some of the parks had indigenous trees introduced to them many years ago. Consequently these now well established trees have converted lawn areas to areas of deep shade. These shaded areas are not conducive to growing lawns. These poor lawn areas will be converted to beds, planted with shade loving perennials such as Agapanthus.