To our owners, tenants and the Park community at large we extend our best wishes for a successful 2021.
Kyalami Park was established over 20 years ago and has matured into an established sought after business environment. With much to offer, from its enviable location to its landscaped gardens and top class security, it quickly developed into one of the most popular business parks in South Africa today.
The Park has enjoyed a robust demand for occupancy during both good times and bad. The good times have become good memories and the bad times have become good lessons.
Fortunately tough times never last, but tough people do, and for this we are truly grateful. The Board would like to thank the management, staff and suppliers of the Park whose commitment and dedication keep our Park functioning extremely efficiently.
We look forward to 2021 and the planned improvements to the Park which have and will continue to become evident to all passing through. We have noticed an increase in the number of runners and walkers frequenting the Park which is a nice positive sign.
To our owners, tenants and the Park community at large we extend our best wishes for a successful 2021.
“If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavour.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
Season’s Greetings